
Posts Tagged ‘Christiana Gaudet’

Yes, according to Christiana Gaudet, in her latest newsletter, it is possible and not very difficult either. She is also telling us how you can do an easy clearing and creating sacred space just using the four aces in your tarot deck. You think I just will be sitting here and not even consider trying it out? In that case you don’t know me very well I think so here we go. Lucky for me we’re not having a very big home. Imagine having a palace or at least some bigger old house with lots of rooms… not even thinking of all the dusting and vacuuming that will be necessary. Now only one problem left really, will the cat allow me to do this without “helping” me with the cards? I will know in just a few.

Strange… as I sit here trying to shuffle my Legend deck there is a waft of a flowery scent passing by my nose. And I have no flowers in bloom right now and there isn’t anything else here in this home that could make that. So only one explanation that is of this world and that would be that one of the neighbors are doing something and it came with the ventilation, otherwise we might have a visitor. A curious one.

Reading for my home

Reading for my home

Christiana tells us that it is a simple principle, one card for each room in the order they come so to make it easy on myself I made it into a 9 card reading just to cover it all.

1. 7 of Shields – Storage room

2. The Lovers – Small passage

3. Queen of Cups – Hallway

4. Page of Shields –  Kitchen

5. 10 of Spears – Bathroom

6. 2 of Spears – Daughters room

7. 4 of Shields – Balcony (yes I made it into a room of its own)

8. 9 of Spears – My bedroom

9. 10 of Shields – Livingroom

The storage room is fittingly with the image of this card, Castle of Wonders, there are things a little here and there and this pillar in the middle where you can see things further off outside. There are a lot of stuff in there, and many of them holds memories. There is some sort of organized chaos in there as usually and I have an idea of how I want it to be one day. The most important part might be that I don’t find any negative feelings there, just a need for clearing some stuff out and figure out what will be kept and what not.

The small passage is very small but its kind of a space of its own so that is why I give it a card of its own. Gareth and Lyones is depicted on this one and it is kind of a shared space. Some of our outdoor clothes and shoes, vacuum and what not is there so its kind of a mix, but doesn’t seem to be anything I have to make any real work with. Just try to keep it possible to pass by and fix some minor things that will make my life (and daughters) a lot easier.

The hallway is represented by Britannia as the Queen of Cups. And fittingly enough she has a cat walking beside her. This is our cats place to be when we are away or when he wants to really rush around. This place isn’t really causing any problems, besides being to narrow if there are several people at once. But my feeling when I see this card is peaceful and the energies are flowing effortlessly. When you come inside you will feel welcome and if you are hones and sincere in your energies there wont be any problems at all.

The kitchen with a badger as the Page makes me think of really down to earth. Nothing there will turn the energies up side down really. It can be to many things spread around from time to time, but there is a system in the chaos. Things have a place to be and when you cook or bake this is the place to be. Things that has to do with down to earth things are done here.

The bathroom then… what can I say with The Green Knight there? That it is a challenge to be there maybe? It’s small, narrow and you can’t rush things in there. If there is more than one person in there you might think about where you want to go and what you need to reach. Since the cat has his toilet in there, a covered one, its even less space to move around at. But I don’t see a real problem in there, just when you’re trying to do some cleaning since it’s not very much space, and if something happen to end up under the bath tub it can be interesting too you could say. Even more fun if you have a young one who loves to splash and play when she’s taking a bath. If you don’t want to get really wet, get some clothes off (particularly the feet area) or grab some rain gear.

Daughters room is a little tricky really. Bedivere and Kay in the picture and what to say with that. She doesn’t really want to sleep in there but not necessarily because there is some activity or bad energy, there are others reasons too. But my feeling is that somehow that is a room to be in when you want to sit down and not do any big things, just slow down and think about stuff. Strange really, there can be some odd energies in there now and then and I know that I dealt with something when she was a lot younger. It disturbed her sleep and I sent it away, so maybe there is times when spirits can come and try to get in touch with someone in that room?

So the balcony then and it says King Mark. He sits at a table with some sort of drawing that show what he wants to do with his home and beside him there is someone who sits there thinking and probably shakes his/her head mentally when Mark is planning, big plans, for what will be and things he wants to do. But there isn’t much one can do out there, besides enjoying the summer days, watching the kids play outside and store away some things that doesn’t have to be inside. Otherwise, well, there are some ideas about what and how to use it but the ideas stay there.

My bedroom is the Wind Harps of War. Sounds relaxing, doesn’t it? Rain and crashing waves and those enormous harps tied to the ground. People trying to get out of the way and find shelter. This is sort of my shelter, where I can close the door and go to sleep, read a book at night and forget about the rest of the world. But it would probably need some cleansing of energies there, calm them down, and try to convince the cat that ok, you want to play late at night, fine, but stay out of the bedroom! Not easy to sleep when someone comes chasing a ball or some other toy, bouncing across your bed, ending up with a loud thud in things that he has to much speed to avoid. And not to mention those early morning visits when he wants to know if there is anyone beside himself that are awake. Earlier this week I was woken by someone carefully pawing my palm and then gently nibbling a little. I finally found out that he had put his favorite toy, a rubber frog, in my hand and wanted me to throw it for him. I wasn’t very amused.

And finally the living room. One of the more safe and stable places here with Camelot. There is play and fun in here but also things like homework, reading, watching tv, cat playing and just be a family. I don’t think there is anything that needs any attention here either. Some dusting and finding space for new books and that’s about it. This is the place where we are the most while we are awake anyway.

All in all I think there is nothing strange going on for now, just a home among others in need of some dusting again now that the light is returning so you can see all the things you’ve missed. But that is as usual too.

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