
Posts Tagged ‘Shoe’

The good parts of Thursday was me getting things in a car and off to the Red Cross second hand shop, getting some things for mine and daughters bikes, helping my mum out with some things she also needed a car to get done and not to forget the absolutely wonderful weather.

Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Français :...

Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Français : Un Faucon crécerelle (Falco tinnunculus). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We went to the house my dad was born and raised in, it’s a lovely place and we’ve spent a lot of time there during the years. It was lovely to go out there, look things over properly to see what has to be done this summer, that it’s still standing and no more water running underneath the house. Flowers starting to show their tiny little faces and we could get some fresh air indoors with open windows here and there. I saw some bumblebees and butterflies, lots of birds and some of them were really upset because of some Kestrels, at least we think it’s those. Small ones and the color seems to be the right one too. It felt great anyway to get a lot of things done before young one was coming home from school and I know that I can continue cleaning out stuff we don’t need anymore and re-arrange things that are staying.

The not so fun parts then… petty probably but disturbing when all kinds of things ends up in fumbling and dropping and I don’t know why I had to break three nails in the process too! I’m not picky about my nails but when you split them lengthwise and not across. Blah! The other not so fun, but now looking back at it can become really funny was when I found some lovely pinecones from the big pine we have growing just outside one of the windows. I had been walking on the lower side and back of the house when I found those pinecones and was going to go the way I usually go on the upper side. What I forgot is that we did a lot of digging last year and still no grass there. But it looked fine so I started taking the first step, only to realise that I’m sinking in mud! And when I try to find my balance and get out of there I lose first one shoe and then the other. So, I said something not child-friendly and tried to get up on a drier part. Called out to my mum, who sensibly enough, had put on the right kind of footwear to go get my shoes from the mud. They where black, now they were mud colored… such a blessing to have our own well so I could fetch a bucket of water and get rid of most of it. And I can always be grateful I didn’t fall into the mud when my shoes stuck. I didn’t have any spares out there, I didn’t exactly think I would need any. I’m a grownup… or so I like to think when it comes to clothes, I’m not a kid that might stumble into something or get something sticky or wet on their clothes.

Here are some photos I took while out there, forgot to take one of my shoes stuck in the mud, had really been something





Oxalis acetosella L.

Oxalis acetosella L.

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